What are the best ways to get involved with The Birthday Party Project?
We have several opportunities to support our mission: Donate, Create Virtual Birthday Wishes, Create Birthday Cards, Shop our Amazon Wishlist, or Share Your Birthday with us!
We have several opportunities to support our mission: Donate, Create Virtual Birthday Wishes, Create Birthday Cards, Shop our Amazon Wishlist, or Share Your Birthday with us!
When you shop our Amazon wishlist, we are able to fulfill birthday wishes for kids all across the country! We send birthday gifts and Birthday in a Bags to hundreds of kiddos every month.
We accept new, unwrapped supplies and toys at our Party Headquarters in Dallas, TX. You may deliver donations in person or ship them directly to us! Our address is: 2143 Farrington Street Dallas, TX 75207
We love when our birthday enthusiasts use their birthday to celebrate others! You can share your birthday by creating an online fundraising page to send to your friends and family, or collect new unwrapped toys for our birthday kiddos!
Here’s a list of the cities we currently serve. It takes a financial investment of $25,000 to start TBPP in a new city. If you’re interested in bringing TBPP to your community, contact us!